Grenada Floriculture Cluster begins Horticulture Training

St. George, Grenada W.I – October 5, 2020 – The Grenada Floriculture Cluster Project, which was funded by the Compete Caribbean Partnership Facility (CCPF), began three months of horticulture webinar training on October 1, 2020. The webinar training aims at increasing and developing the knowledge base of all participants to improve the level of production and the quality of the flowers produced by the sector.

The Flower Arrangers and Growers Association of Grenada (FAAGAG) and the Grenada Hotel and Tourism Association (GHTA) joined together to provide the necessary support and structure to benefit from the CCPF. In collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture and CCPF, these associations are committed to introducing a more modern approach to the delivery of the horticultural product and also to contribute a more significant share of the nation’s economy.

In the recent introductory webinar session Mrs. Anne Campbell, a member of the cluster and FAAGAG, expressed her happiness for the training: “Thanks for all the exploratory work…. the course outline has everything everyone wants and more!” The FAAGAG is comprised of growers and arrangers throughout the length and breadth of Grenada. They range from micro to medium-sized businesses and represent a diverse cross-section of Grenadians including both males and females.

The FAAGAG and GHTA have also reached out to TAMCC agricultural students and included them in this webinar component of the project. In total, thirty-two participants are expected to benefit from the training by December 2020.

To improve the Grenadian horticulture sector, the Grenada Floriculture Cluster Project was started in March 2020. The project also received financial support from the Sandals Foundation and technical support from the Ministry of Agriculture.


About Compete Caribbean:

Compete Caribbean (CCPF) is an innovation and partnership facility that delivers innovative and practical solutions that stimulate economic growth, increase productivity and foster innovation and competitiveness in 13 countries across the Caribbean region. CCPF is a partnership between the Inter-American
Development Bank (IDB), the United Kingdom Department for International Development (UKAid), the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) and the Government of Canada.

About Grenada Hotel & Tourism Association:

The Grenada Hotel and Tourism Association (GHTA) is a non-profit, non-governmental organization tasked with being the representative private sector voice of the island’s tourism sector. GHTA’s main purpose is to advocate and lobby on behalf of its members on matters affecting the tourism industry. In addition, the Association promotes educational opportunities for industry workers; assist in the development of cultural activities and aids in marketing the businesses of its members.

Media Contact:
Clevon Noel
Cluster Support Specialist, Grenada Hotel and Tourism Association
473 444-1353
473 459-6794 (mobile)

Aine Brathwaite
Cluster Manager, Grenada Floriculture Cluster Project
473 405 8057 (mobile)

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