The Grenada Hotel & Tourism Association Meets with Minister of Tourism

ST.GEORGES, GRENADA (May. 2, 2013) - The Board of Directors of the Grenada Hotel and Tourism Association this morning met with the Minister of Tourism at which plans for the development of Grenada’s tourism industry was discussed.

The Minister assured the GHTA that she has been working diligently since taking office; to build the framework for ensuring that visitors to Grenada gets the experience they expect, and this will only come through promoting the best of Grenada and understanding the culture of the visitors being marketed to.

The attendance at trade shows featuring niche markets such as dive or yachting, by persons involved in that area of the industry, representing all of Grenada, is seen as extremely important because they would be able to give the correct information as to what is available in Grenada and most able to sell the product.

The Minister spoke passionately about the fact that Trinidad is on our door step and how we must focus on attracting them. We must in fact make our neighbours understand that we love welcoming them to our shores.

On the matter of airlift the Minister was clear in her message that all airlines servicing Grenada have been approached, or will be very soon, to ensure that Grenada gets value for money. Discussions are ongoing and appear promising to date American Airlines has indicated that they will increase their service to the island to a total of five flights per week from July. More good news on airlift is expected soon as negotiations are finalised.

The GHTA were pleased to learn that the long overdue change of the Grenada Board of Tourism to the Grenada Tourism Authority will take place during 2013 and appreciated that the changeover may take up to four months in order to ensure that everything runs smoothly. Even more pleasing is the fact that the new Authority will focus on marketing Grenada in the most effective ways available and product development will be left to the Ministry of Tourism.

About Grenada Hotel & Tourism Association

The Grenada Hotel and Tourism Association (GHTA) is a non-profit, non-governmental organization tasked with being the representative private sector voice of the island’s tourism sector. The Association is managed by a Board of Directors responsible for guiding the Association’s strategies and polices, while the secretariat is managed by an Executive Director responsible for the day to day duties of the Association. GHTA’s main purpose is to advocate and lobby on behalf of its members on matters affecting the tourism industry. In addition, the Association promotes educational opportunities for industry workers; assist in the development of cultural activities and aids in marketing the businesses of its members.


Office of the Grenada Hotel & Tourism Association
Tel: (473) 444-1353