Call for Proposals - Design and Development of a Supply and Demand Mobile Application
The Compete Caribbean Partnership Facility (CCPF) Regional Cluster Capacity Building Program for Business Support Organisations (BSOs), is providing support to clustering initiatives that can help Caribbean firms grow, generate employment and export to new markets. In consultation with private firms and supporting institutions, the Grenada Hotel and Tourism Association – the BSO in Grenada – has prepared and is implementing a comprehensive Cluster Development Plan (CDP) for the Grenadian floriculture sector. The CDP outlines a common vision for and agreed on priorities to support the growth of the sector.
Digital technology continues to play a critical role in the success of many organizations. The Grenada Floriculture Cluster Project aims to capitalize on the opportunities that technology brings by embarking on the design and development of a supply and demand mobile app. The idea is to have growers be able to list flowers that they have available as well as arrangers being able to showcase their services. Clients will then have access to these listings and make direct contact with growers and arrangers.
The primary objective of the assignment is to design and develop a cross-platform application (android, iOS, windows) for mobile phones and tablets to create a marketplace for both flower growers and arrangers.
Response to this Call For Proposal must be submitted by email to Submissions must be a portable document format (.pdf) or Microsoft Word (.doc .docx). Place the words in the email subject line: Supply and Demand Mobile App: “Lead Name”
All responses are due September 30, 2021, by 4:00 PM.