GHTA Donates $486,000EC for State of the Art Glass Pulverizer System

GHTA Galvanises Volunteer Efforts

As the Delta variant began to ravage throughout the tri-island state of Grenada, Carriacou and Petite Martinique and cases of Covid-19 began to spike, the tourism sector took immediate action and heeded the call to service. Despite being hard-hit financially from the onset of the pandemic, the industry mustered the…

Call for Proposals -  Design and Development of a Supply and Demand Mobile Application

The Compete Caribbean Partnership Facility (CCPF) Regional Cluster Capacity Building Program for Business Support Organisations (BSOs), is providing support to clustering initiatives that can help Caribbean firms grow, generate employment and export to new markets. In consultation with private firms and supporting institutions, the Grenada Hotel and Tourism Association –…

Horticulture CVQ Scholarship

The Grenada Hotel & Tourism Association and The Flower Arrangers & Growers Association of Grenada successfully launched the Grenada Floriculture Cluster Project on June 18, 2020. The project is primarily supported by the Compete Caribbean Partnership Facility (CCPF) which is funded by the Inter-American Development Bank, the UK Foreign, Commonwealth…

GHTA Presents: Understanding COVID19 Vaccines Webinar

As part of GHTA’s public education webinar series, GHTA presents: “Understanding COVID19 Vaccines” on Monday, March 22nd at 2pm. Topics include:

  • Understanding the history of vaccines and how they work
  • How do vaccines protect us and the world from COVID?
  • The importance of vaccinations


GHTA to Launch Vaccination Public Education Campaign

The Grenada Hotel and Tourism Association (GHTA) will provide a public education campaign in the coming weeks to support the Ministry of Health’s vaccination efforts. The GHTA realizes that increased education regarding the pros and cons of vaccinations as well as being able to dispel myths and misconceptions is crucial…

Grenada Partner Webinar

​Expedia Group and Grenada Hotel and Tourism Association would like to invite you to the Grenada Partner Webinar. Please see attached for more details.

Grenada Partner Webniar
Grenada Partner Webniar

Sandals Resort Signs Ministry of Health’s Enhanced Protocols

St. Georges, Grenada—(February 26, 2021)—Sandals Resort Grenada has signed off to the Ministry of Health’s enhanced protocols that were designed to ensure both guest, employee and community health and safety. The protocols include increased testing of both guests and staff, added monitoring and security measures while also maintaining Sandals’ high…

Launch of Covid-19 Vaccination Campaign for Front-line Workers

St. Georges, Grenada—(February 23rd, 2021)—The Grenada Hotel and Tourism Association (GHTA) has collaborated with the Ministry of Health along with Radisson Beach Resort to help launch COVID-19 Vaccinations to all frontline workers this Monday through Friday from 9am -2pm. In a proactive effort, the health team along with GHTA and…

The GHTA Welcomes the News of Covid-19 Vaccine Supply for Grenada

St. George, Grenada—(February 10, 2021)— The Grenada Hotel & Tourism Association Board of Directors welcomes the news that our country will soon receive supplies of the COVID- 19 vaccines. If and when the vaccine is offered to our team members, GHTA encourages them to take the vaccine as we all…

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