GHTA Donates $486,000EC for State of the Art Glass Pulverizer System

Grenada Hotel and Tourism Association Hosts 1st Annual Job Fair

The Grenada Hotel and Tourism Association (GHTA) hosted a job fair on Saturday, 5 November at the Trade Show Annex from 9 am-3 pm. Hundreds of attendees hoping to find a fresh start, a better job, or new career direction were met with a wealth of exciting employment opportunities at…

GHTA wins Caribbean Destination Resilience Award

San Juan, Puerto Rico. - (October 3rd, 2022) - The Grenada Hotel and Tourism Association (GHTA) captured the Caribbean Destination Resilience Award at the Caribbean Hotel and Tourism Association Marketplace (CHTA) event in Puerto Rico. GHTA was awarded the Caribbean Destination Resilience Award…

GHTA board meets with Government and GTA to foster greater collaboration

On Friday, September 2nd 2022, the Grenada Hotel and Tourism Association (GHTA) board of directors met with representatives from the government and other key tourism stakeholders to continue working towards developing the tourism industry post COVID-19.

The group discussed a wide range of critical issues such…

Hurricane Preparedness

Early season preparations

It is critical that the hurricane team meet in early June to fully discuss preparations for the upcoming
hurricane season. The following points should be considered:

  1. Willingness of the team to remain on property should it be required
  2. Purchase and storage of required hurricane…

List of designated emergency shelters 2022

List of Primary Shelters:


Town of St. George

  1. Anglican High School
  2. Grenada Boys’ Secondary School
  3. St. Joseph’s Convent (St. George’s)
  4. J.W. Fletcher Secondary School
  5. Presentation Brothers College
  6. St. George’s Anglican School (Ground Floor)

South St.…


New Board of Directors
New Board of Directors

Following the hosting of its 59th Annual General Meeting (AGM) held virtually on Thursday, May 12, 2022, a new Board of Directors were elected to serve within…

Kendra (Hopkin) Stewart Ascends to President of the GHTA

It is with great pleasure that we announce that Kendra Stewart, née Hopkin, Deputy Managing Director of the indigenous family- owned Blue Horizons Garden Resort has been voted in as President of the Grenada Hotel and Tourism Association (GHTA) by her peers.

Hopkin was raised in Grenada…

GHTA Launched Group Health, Life and Air Ambulance Insurance Programme

St. George, Grenada – October 19, 2021 – The Grenada Hotel & Tourism Association (GHTA), the private sector voice of Grenada’s tourism industry, launched the GHTA Group Health, Life and Air Ambulance Insurance Programme. This programme is the first of its kind in the island’s tourism industry and is a…

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